ISME - International Conference 2024 invites prospective authors to submit a full paper with a minimum of six to ten pages. All submissions will be reviewed and evaluated based on originality, technical research, and relevance to conference tracks. ISME conference - 2024 papers are proposed to be published in prestigious Scopus/SCI/SCIE/ESCI journals provided the articles confirm our publishing criteria and meet quality standards. A certificate of acceptance will be provided to the corresponding authors, conference participants & contributors during the conference.
More than 3 papers from a single author shall not be accepted for publication in a proceeding/Journal.
If there are more than three authors in a paper, a statement containing individual contributions from each author must be included. More than five authors mentioned this is strictly discouraged.
All authors' ORCID details must be provided in the papers.
Selected high-quality research papers shall be considered for publication in the open access Scopus/SCI/SCIE indexed Journals.
Article Processing Charges may be extra for the open-access Scopus/SCI/SCIE journals (If required by them).
One best research paper in all the given tracks shall be provided the best research paper certificate and, one best paper in each technical session shall be selected for the certificate award based on the Research methodology, Content, and presentation.
Only an abstract of about 1 page/ Approx 500 words describing the significance/ methodology and key findings may be submitted by email to by February 29, 2024
We have signed contracts with many Web of Science SCI/SCIE/ESCI/ and Scopus journals and proceedings. The information shall be shared with the respective authors after reviewing the manuscript.
Any change in authorship after the first submission without the organizers' specific reasons and approval is unacceptable and such papers may be rejected.
Confirmed Publishers of ISME-2024
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